Acupuncture bears no resemblance to the feeling of receiving an injection, since the main source of pain from injections is the larger diameter, hollow needle and the medication being forced into the tissue by pressure. Acupuncture needles are very fine and flexible, about the diameter of a human hair. In most cases, insertion by a skilled practitioner is performed without discomfort. You may experience a sense of heaviness or electricity in the area of insertion. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment. In some cases, your practitioner may also recommend herbs or dietary, exercise or lifestyle changes.
In the hands of a comprehensively trained acupuncturist, your safety is assured. Acupuncture needles are sterile and are either disposable or autoclaved between treatments. If you have a preference, you should discuss the type of needles to be used with your practitioner.
Many conditions may be alleviated very rapidly by acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, some conditions that have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow, steady progress. As in any form of healing, the patient's attitude, diet, determination and lifestyle will affect the outcome of a course of treatment. Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their healing process. Although Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat most conditions, there are circumstances that can be dealt with more effectively by Western medicine. In such cases, your acupuncturist will recommend you contact a Western medical doctor. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine should be seen as complementary to Western medicine.
Many insurance companies are beginning to cover acupuncture especially for pain conditions. Please contact your insurance company to ascertain if you have coverage. Our billers at Acupuncture and Wellness Center will also call your insurance company to verify coverage prior to treatment. Typically we will be able to get a reply from your insurance company within 1-2 business days. Please call our office if you have any questions and we will be happy to answer your questions.
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